Saturday, May 24, 2014

Easy strawberry jam recipe

Μαρμελάδα φράουλα

1 κιλό φράουλες
1 φλυτζάνι ζάχαρι
Χυμός απο μισό λεμόνι

1000gr strawberries
1 cup sugar
Juice of half a lemon

Πανεύκολη συνταγή για νόστιμη μαρμελάδα φράουλα!

Πλένουμε τις φράουλες και κόβουμε τα κοτσάνια. Σε χαμηλή φωτιά βάζουμε τις φράουλες σε μια κατσαρόλα και τις αφήνουμε τα σιγοβράσουν μεχρι να εξατμιστεί όλο το νερό. Προσθέτουμε την ζάχαρη και ανεβάζουμε την θερμοκρασία στο μέγιστο. Βράζουμε για δέκα λεπτά και ανακατεύουμε συνεχώς. Προσοχή στον καυτό ατμό, εγω ανακατεύω φορώντας το γάντι της κουζίνας. Βγάζουμε απο την φωτιά και προσθέτουμε το χυμό λεμονιού. Η μαρμελάδα ειναι ετοιμη! Την βάζουμε σε μεγάλο βαζάκι και την διατηρούμε στο ψυγείο. 

Super easy delicious strawberry jam!

Wash the strawberries and remove the green leaves. In medium heat let the strawberries simmer until all the water is out. Now add the sugar and turn up the heat to maximum. Let them boil for ten minutes and stir with a kitchen mitten on to avoid getting burned from the hot steam. Remove from the heat and add the lemon juice. Your strawberry jam is ready! Put the jam in a big jar and refrigerate.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Polymer clay ombre necklace DIY

Here is an easy way to create your very own ombre necklace! 

For this necklace you will need:

2 bars of fimo clay
1 cutter
leather cord
nose pliers

Cut the two bars in equal pieces just like in the picture and mix them the way it shows.
Form the pieces of clay in balls with your hands.
Cut the two bigger balls in half.
Make holes using a toothpick. 
Make sure your beads have the same width before you bake them.
Now bake them in the oven in 100C for 20 minutes.
Use the nose pliers to make bigger holes if that is necessary.
String them onto your cord and ta da! Your necklace is ready. 
I make sliding knots on my leather cord to adjust the length. 

I hope your necklace looks great!
Check out my polymer clay jewelry Here

See you around,

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lokah Samasta Ukulele

My first recorded song playing the ukulele!
Thank you Georgios for the beautiful pictures!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Etsy beauties!

I have come across many cute things made of polymer clay in Etsy. 
These animals are so cute! 

Cute polymer clay sea creatures!

And for cat lovers! Here!

And my favourite blue tits! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

New name!

I have renamed my blog to Cloudpearls! 
Happy new week!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Saturday, January 18, 2014


This blog was silent for a long time, time for a comeback!